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Retire Early: The Simple Guide – I wrote a book

I wrote a book, Retire Early: The Simple Guide, with Thomas Walke, another Swiss blogger. Our book is about the basics of early retirement.

9 Reasons to Aim for Financial Independence

Retiring is not the only reason to aim for financial independence, it's not even the first one! Here are 7 good reasons to aim for FI!

Freya 3a Review (Discontinued) 2024 – Pros & Cons

Freya 3a is a new sustainable third pillar available in Switzerland, aiming at being easy, affordable and sustainable, we see how it fares!

What is a 1e pension plan (pillar 1e)?

The pillar 1e is not well-known but is an interesting part of the three pillars system with the potential for high returns!

Finpension 3a Review 2024: Pros & Cons

Finpension 3a is an excellent third pillar account for long-term investors, with low prices and high returns, find out more!

Should you use a cash cushion in retirement?

Does a cash cushion help your chances of success in retirement? We find out with a ton of historical data and some simulations!

Should you rebalance your portfolio in retirement?

Find out whether you should rebalance your portfolio during retirement. Increase your chances of success with different rebalancing techniques!

Add some margin of safety to your FIRE plan

A good FIRE plan relies on historical data, so we need to protect it with some margin of safety! Here are some ways to achieve extra safety!

How to choose a Safe Withdrawal Rate?

Your Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) is a fundamental piece of your retirement planning, here is a step-by-step guide on how to choose it for you!

All you need to know about the Trinity Study

Find out all there is to know about the famous Trinity Study, the origin of the 4% Rule that started the entire FIRE movement.

Retiring early is simple but not easy

The journey to Early Retirement is a simple one, but it is not easy. You will need to work hard to reach your goal, but you can do it!

Can you withdraw 4% of your current portfolio?

In the Trinity Study, we withdraw based on the initial portfolio, what happens if we withdraw based on the value of the current portfolio?