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What is Compound Interest? Is it Magic?

Compound interest is when you get interest over both the principal and the accumulated interests. It is often considered magic, what is it really?

The Poor Swiss versus the Average Swiss Household

What does the average Swiss household spend each year? Let's compare ourselves with this average Swiss household!

Can you Retire Early Without a Successful Blog?

A lot of early retirees are getting an income from their blogs. Can you retire early without a blog income? We try to answer that question here!

Yield Curve Inversion: Should we Panic?

Last month, the yield curve inverted! What does that mean for investors? Should we sell all our shares and exit the market? Let's see!

Interview of Daniel Peter, CEO of VIAC

Interview with Daniel Peter, CEO and founder of VIAC, the best provider of third pillar retirement account in Switzerland!

March 2019 – Bonus and French Courses

Find out what happened to our finances in March 2019! We got a large bonus but we spent a lot of money this month for French courses and for Food.

How to Choose an Index ETF Portfolio?

Choosing an index ETF portfolio from scratch is no easy task! But it is important! Find out all the steps involved in doing so!

S&P 500 Index – Invest in 500 Companies At Once!

The S&P 500 is a very popular stock market index: Find out all the interesting things there is to know about this index and how to invest in it.

8 Frugal Tips to Ski For Less in Switzerland

Ski is a costly hobby, especially in Switzerland! But there are many ways to ski for less in Switzerland! Use my tips to save money on skiing!

Health Plan for 2019 – Retire Healthy And Early

In 2019, we would like to work on improving our health, making sure we can retire early and healthy! Find out what we plan to do.

Interview of Patrik Schär – CEO of Selma Finance, Robo-Advisor

Interview with Patrik Schär, CEO of Selma Finance, Swiss Robo-Advisor. A very good option for those that do not want to or cant invest themselves.

How to Choose a Stock Market Index for 2025

Choosing betwen different stock market indexes is not an easy task. You should take into account the size of the index, its weighting, ...