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7 Simple Steps to Change Bank Account in 2024

To change bank account is sometimes necessary to save on fees, but it is not an easy task. Let's find out the necessary steps to change bank account!

How to Build a Nice DIY Shoe Rack for 35$

Find out how we built a very nice shoe rack, all in wood, for only 35$, all by ourselves!

Quickly Learn Chinese Online with FluentU

FluentU is a great online platform to learn languages. I am using FluentU to learn Chinese online, at a low price!

October 2018 – Quiet Month and Stock Market Correction

During this month, we had several parties and events. The stock market got a correction, but this did not impact us much.

How to Open a VIAC Third Pillar in a Few Easy Steps

Find out how to open a VIAC third pillar in a few easy steps and how to transfer your existing third pillar to your new account.

8 Great Ways to Grow Your Career Income in 2024

Your career is a very important asset in your life. You want to maintain your career and grow it to new levels! Learn how to grow your career income!

9 Great Frugal Tips to Keep Your Food Budget Low

Most people spend way too much money on their food budget! Find out how to optimize this important budget category!

Adopting the Minimalist Lifestyle Book Review

Adopting the minimalist lifestyle is a book about making your life minimalist. Let's find out if this book is any good in my unbiased review!

Migros Bank Review 2024 – Best Traditional Bank in Switzerland

Migros Bank is a traditional bank in Switzerland, they have some strong advantages. Here is how well it compares against other Swiss Banks.

One Year Blog Anniversary! Lessons and Next Steps

Find out all I learned after one year of blogging. I have made many mistakes but I have learned a lot as well! And my plan for the future!

How I Made $2’000’000 on the Stock Market – Book Review

Find out how Nicolas Darvas made two million dollars in the stock market in less than 18 months while traveling around the world.

7 Best Blogs on FIRE

There are more and more blogs about Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE), so which ones should you read? Here are my favorites!