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Migros Bank Review 2025 – Good Traditional Bank in Switzerland

Baptiste Wicht | Updated: |

(Disclosure: Some of the links below may be affiliate links)

I have used Migros Bank as my primary bank account for several years. They offer good service at excellent prices. Considering the expensive bank accounts in Switzerland, these fees are essential to consider.

In this article, I review the bank account offering of Migros Bank in detail. We see all their prices and how they compare against other Swiss banks.

About Migros Bank
Yearly fee 0 CHF
Users N/A
Card Visa Debit
Currencies CHF
Withdrawals in Switzerland Free at Migros ATMs, 2 CHF at other
Withdrawals abroad 5 CHF
Languages French, German, and Italian
Custody bank Migros Bank
Depositor protection 100’000 CHF
Established 1958
Headquarters Zürich, Switzerland

Migros Bank

Migros Bank Logo
Migros Bank Logo

Migros Bank is the bank of the Migros group. It is an old bank. It was founded more than 60 years ago, in 1958. Since I am already a Migros customer, I feel confident about this bank.

Since they are an official bank, your assets will be insured for up to 100’000 CHF in case of bankruptcy. This is the case for all official banks in Switzerland. It is essential to know what would happen to your money in case of bank bankruptcy.

Migros Bank has an excellent reputation in Switzerland. They serve more than 800’000 customers in Switzerland. This high number of customers makes them one of the biggest banks in Switzerland per number of customers.

So, we will see in detail what Migros Bank is about.

This article has been updated for the new fees from April 2024.

Migros Bank Fees


My main reason for looking for a new bank was to look for a free bank. Since all bank accounts in Switzerland have a zero interest rate, it is essential to look at the fees.

The most significant advantage of Migros Bank is that it does not charge management fees. And there is no minimum for being free.

Another advantage of the bank is that the Debit Card is free. Migros Bank is among the few banks that offer free debit cards. Most debit cards in Switzerland cost 30 CHF per year. I do not plan to use the credit card from Migros since I already have the best credit card in Switzerland.

While the base account is free, some operations are not. You must pay 0.30 CHF for each SEPA transfer in Europe. You can probably negate this by using Revolut, Wise, or Neon.

The other fee is the withdrawal fee for ATMs other than Migros ATM:

  • 2 CHF for each withdrawal in CHF in Switzerland
  • 4 CHF for each withdrawal in EUR in Switzerland
  • 5 CHF for each withdrawal abroad

However, this should not be a big issue for several reasons.

  1. You can withdraw money at each Migros Bank, Migros Shops, Migrolino, and Migrol stations. So, there are many withdrawal points all over Switzerland. If you count all these locations as ATMs, Migros Bank is probably the bank with the most ATMs in Switzerland. There should be more than enough to withdraw money when you need it.
  2. You do not often need cash. In most cases, you can pay with your credit or debit card. Using your credit card is free, and you will receive some cashback. Using a debit card in Switzerland is also free.

You will probably not have to worry about these fees. In three years, I have never paid to withdraw money with my Migros card.

There are other fees for payment abroad. But this is not an issue since I will also use my Neon or Revolut accounts.

Given all this, Migros Bank is among Switzerland’s cheapest Brick and Mortar banks.

Migros Bank Features


We can also look at the features offered by the standard accounts at Migros Bank.

Since June 2022, Migros Bank does not have a Maestro but a Visa Debit card. As far as features go, it is the same. However, there are still some places where Maestro cards are useful because that is all they accept. Fortunately, these places are disappearing.

Overall, the visa debit is quite convenient. And the card comes for free, which is also good.

With Migros Bank, you can do many operations in the Migros Bank offices. And you will also be able to do some operations in Migros shops.

But most people will use the banking of Migros Bank to do most operations. You can use the banking application from Migros Bank on Apple phones and tablets, Android phones and tablets, and on Mac and Windows.

This mobile application takes a different approach to security than most other applications. Indeed, you will need to install this application on at least two devices. You will often need a second device to validate transactions from your account.

The Migros Bank application is quite bad. It is slow, and I have had many issues. Moreover, it is a pain to have to install it on two devices. I would have preferred online e-banking like most banks. I do not want to install a banking application on my desktop computer. For me, the quality of applications is the biggest pain point with this bank account.

In addition, Migros Bank introduced a new application in 2023. However, the new application does not work better than the old one, has fewer features, and is less stable. They also did not manage to simplify the use of multiple devices.

However, the application has all the features you will need:

  • Make money transfers
  • Scan paper bills
  • Pay ebills
  • Pay with Google Pay

So, if you do not have to use it too often, the Migros application will do everything you need.

Since May 2021, Migros has had full support for TWINT. You can download the Twint Migros application next to the Migros application and start using Twint for your mobile payments.


We should also compare Migros Bank with some alternatives.

Migros Bank vs Neon

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All the services you need to pay, save and invest, in a neat package, with extremely good prices!

Use code thepoorswiss to receive up to 100 CHF in trading credits!

  • Pay abroad for free
  • Invest with great fees
Use code thepoorswiss Read my review
The trading credits are redeemable for trading fees in 3 trades within 2 months of account opening

Neon is a great digital bank from Switzerland. They offer an attractive bank account.

The main difference between Neon and Migros Bank is that Neon is an entirely digital bank. On the other hand, Migros Bank has offices, and you can get help from people directly.

Used correctly, both bank accounts are entirely free. But Neon has some advantages that Migros Bank does not have:

Both Neon and Migros have some stability issues with their apps. However, the Neon app is much better than the Migros Bank app.

Overall, Neon is better than Migros Bank. However, many people do not want to use an entirely digital bank, so Migros Bank will be great for them.

One advantage of Migros Bank is that it has significantly higher limits than Neon. So, it could be better for your main account if you have to do some more substantial transactions.

If you want more details, I have an entire review of Neon.

Migros Bank vs PostFinance

PostFinance was my previous bank before I changed to Migros Bank.

The main issue with PostFinance is that you have to pay 5 CHF in management fees every month. They only waive this fee if you invest more than 25’000 CHF in their products. However PostFinance investment products are bad, so using their products is not a great way to waive the fee.

So, Migros Bank’s main advantage over PostFinance is that the account is free.

Other than that, both banks have about the same features and fees. There is nothing exceptional about any of these two banks. They are standard banks. PostFinance has one advantage: its applications are significantly better than those from Migros.

Overall, Migros is significantly better than PostFinance since they have the same features but are significantly cheaper. If you want more information, I have done an extensive review of PostFinance.


What is the minimum for a Migros Bank account?

There is no minimum.

How much do I need for my Migros Bank account to be free?

There is no minium, a Migros Bank account is free, since April 2024.

Who is Migros Bank for?

Migros Bank is good for people that want an affordable traditional (non-digital) bank.

Who is Migros Bank for?

Migros Bank is not good for people that want a digital bank. And it is also not good for people that want good mobile apps. Finally, there may be some cheaper traditional bank alternatives with some cantonal banks.

Migros Bank Summary

Migros Bank

Migros Bank offers traditional bank accounts at a relatively fair price.

Product Brand: Migros

Editor's Rating:


  • Free management of your account
  • Good customer service
  • Offers a free Visa debit card
  • Can withdraw cash for free in many places
  • Support for Google Pay
  • Support for eBills
  • Support for TWINT


  • Terrible banking applications
  • No Maestro card
  • Support is not free if you have issues with the apps


When my previous bank (PostFinance) raised fees from 0 to 60 CHF per year, I needed to change bank. I did not want to pay more for no new advantages. Therefore, I had to research the cheapest bank in Switzerland.

After some research, I discovered that Migros Bank is now among the cheapest traditional banks in Switzerland.

The account itself is free. And there will only be fees for operations you can generally avoid.

I have now been using Migros Bank for about three years. Overall, I am relatively happy with their services. They offer good service at a reasonable price. The only thing I dislike about them is their applications. All their applications and the way they are linked together are pretty bad.

You can get a free digital bank account if you prefer digital banks. For instance, you could go with Neon. This bank account is entirely free!

If you want to learn how to change bank accounts, I have a guide on switching to a new bank.

What do you think about the new fees? Which bank do you use? Do you plan to leave PostFinance because of this?

Recommended reading

Photo of Baptiste Wicht
Baptiste Wicht started The Poor Swiss in 2017. He realized that he was falling into the trap of lifestyle inflation. He decided to cut his expenses and increase his income. Since 2019, he has been saving more than 50% of his income every year. He made it a goal to reach Financial Independence and help Swiss people with their finances.
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108 thoughts on “Migros Bank Review 2025 – Good Traditional Bank in Switzerland”

  1. Hi Baptiste,
    Following reading your article I realized that I might had higher than wanted bank fees, so I checked and I was surprised to find out that I had been paying…280 CHF/year for virtually no added value! (postfinance account + debit + raiffeisen debit + + +…) So I decided to follow your advice and switch to Migros.

    I just received the activation codes etc.. but because I’m using tech devices that are rather “old” (2012 laptop + 2017 smartphone) I am unable to activate my e-banking! They just don’t have an alternative activation method (for example Raiffeisen has the PHOTOTAN and Postefinance has a VASCO security device, which I prefer).

    I don’t mind tech but I’m trying to avoid following the consumer trend that pushes us to change tech every 2 years.

    So because of that, I’m considering just sticking with Raiffeisen + a Certo card to reduce my fees and forget about Migros. We’ll see next week when their support calls me. Unbelievable!

    1. Hi Jean

      Unfortunately, you should not expect too much from Migros tech support, their entire tech infrastructure is pretty bad. You cannot use the ebanking from computer without a smartphone…
      I think your strategy makes sense to at least reduce the features from Raiffeisen you can opt out.
      You could also use a digital bank like Neon, but you may end up in the same issue with a 2017 smartphone.

  2. Hi all, I just noticed I was hit with a 30 CHF fee this month for yearly maintenance of my Migros Bank debit card.

    Did this happen to anyone else? It is still cheaper than holding a joint account in Neon, but I wasn’t warned in advance about it.

    1. Hi CM

      That’s weird, the new Debit Visa has always been free since its introduction. There used to be a monthly fee of 3 CHF if your balance was below 7500 CHF, but this was waived recently as well.
      Did you maybe order an additional card (they cost 30 CHF/y)? The card in EUR also costs 30 CHF per year.

      1. My balance was higher than 7500 CHF as I hold my renter’s deposit there. I have this account for a year and a half now and this is the first time I was billed. I will check next week if the billing is related to both me and my wife having debit cards there. Thanks for the tip!

      2. Migros Bank just replied that the second card in my joint account is considered as an additional one.

        Really strange, as I have this account since November 2022 and this is the first time I incur such a charge.

        I will cancel my card and keep my wife’s – main goal is to withdraw money in case of urgencies, and I can use Neon for that.

        Thanks for the feedback!

      3. Thanks for sharing the new details! That’s pretty stupid :(
        I checked my account, created in Sep 2022, and I did not see such charge even though we have two cards. Since this fee is documented nowhere, I would think they did a mistake in your case. But I will be on the lookout on our end since this would make the joint account less interesting.

  3. Hi Baptiste. Thanks so much for all your regular content which is really helpful and much appreciated.

    However, i have to disagree with your conclusions about Migros Bank. I moved there from UBS about 18 months ago and have had a lot of seemingly unnecessary pain, mostly with struggling to contact them, usually about IT, especially their mobile app.

    Usually i start off trying to contact them via their Windows software (which is ok) and often it errors or i get no answer for weeks or when i do get an answer it has completely missed the point. Please note that i have many years experience in IT support.

    Instead about 6 months ago, i tried switching to calling them. Twice the phone queue timed out at 20 mins (during which i was never told an expected time left to wait or place in the queue) and i was offered a callback instead, at the time of their choosing. When called back days later, i asked to speak English and was then just transferred back to that queue, which i gave up after 11mins. I do actually speak enough German, and would have tried without English, but the callback person just transferred me to the queue without awaiting a response. Gosh, there are so many other things that i’ve really had enough of them, eg problems with their Twint connection at vital moments, app so slow that it’ll wait 30 seconds to catch up with movement of the camera when trying to QR a bill (ie unusable), etc

    Is this something that has changed since your review in 2022? Or can you recommend a bank that just works please? I am not used to such bad banking as in Switzerland, and have never come across such bad IT as Migros Bank’s. It a shame cos they are ruining Migros’ well deserved brand.

    Cheers, Jon.

    1. Hi Jon,

      Unfortunately, their apps are really bad and getting better. Ever since they have introduced the new app in 2023, everything has gotten worse. I have both apps (my personal account was upgraded but not my business account). And both versions are now much worse than before.
      If you look at my review, I have mentioned that under features where they get a 2.5 rating (they used to do better before 2023).

      If you are open to digital bank, Neon and Yuh have much better apps. As for traditional banks, I don’t have a better recommendation, although cantonal banks are often good but limited geographically.

      1. Thanks Baptiste. I hear some concerns about Neon too unfortunately. I’ve finally had a couple of ok callbacks from Migros Bank and will stick it out for a bit, otherwise look at Kantonal Banks maybe, or even Post Finance. I may just go back to not using QR codes to pay bills, not expecting customer support really, not using Twint (which is suprisingly handy with a kid in Switzerland, eg for parking), …

      2. Neon only has one issue (that I know of), they do not scale particularly well on salary day (25th of the month usually). This has gotten much better, but you can still expect a slower app on this day.

      3. Thanks Baptiste. This is helpful to know. Could you please confirm what the latest reviews are you ahve for Migros Bank and Neon, and their competitors and whether you see Wise or similar having a place in how we use these services as expats in Switzerland? Thanks again for all your great research!

      4. Hi Jon

        I am not sure I understand your question.
        My opinion on Migros Bank is going lower because their apps are getting worse.
        My opinion on Neon is still very high.
        I don’t really see Wise being that useful unless you really need a multi-currency account.

    2. Unfortunately in my experience Migros bank is really not good. They might not charge for the account holding, but you end up paying in other ways (for example they apply very bad exchange rates even if you transfer money between your accounts), and their interface is just a joke- it works 1 time out of 4 and even then you are lucky if you get the screen in your language (no option to change language) and can’t really do much in this interface.
      The account managers I met didn’t impress me as very competent either.
      I don’t know how the other banks are, but if it’s true as you say that Migros bank is the best… then the suisse banking scene is pretty miserable.

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