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Financial Independence and Retire Early

Posts about the Financial Independence and Retire Early (FIRE) philosophy. Being Financially Independent (FI) will let you have the choice of what you want to do in your life. Financial Independence or Financial Freedom is something a lot of people are aiming for. Find how to become FI quickly. With FIRE, if you want it is possible to retire early. Of course, it requires some effort. But it may be simpler than you think!

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Does the 4 percent rule work in recent years?

Safe withdrawal simulations are done over the last 150 years and work well. But would that work well for the last 50 years? We will find out.

Does the 4% rule work with low yield bonds?

Most safe withdrawal simulations are based upon historical bond yields, which are significantly higher than now. Would they still work today?

A Free FIRE Calculator – Find your chance of success

Discover a new FIRE calculator. This calculator can tell you the chances of success of your retirement scenario and help you have a better retirement!

Sequence of Returns Risk can ruin your retirement

Sequence of Returns Risks can reduce your chances of success in retirement. Learn exactly what they are and how to protect yourself from these risks!

How to retire early in Switzerland?

How can you retire early in Switzerland? Is it even possible? We will find out in a Summary of the important things about retiring early in Switzerland.

9 Things that are Wrong With FIRE

The Financial Independence movement is a great thing! But FIRE is not perfect! Find out several things that are very wrong with FIRE!

Why do so many software engineers choose FIRE?

Many software programmers are trying to retire early and become financially independent and many of them have a blog. Here's why!

How to Calculate your Financial Independence (FI) Ratio

How you can compute your ratio to Financial Independence (FI). How to use Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR) to see how much you need to save.

Out of The Rat Race – Financial Freedom – Book Review

Out of The Rat Race is a good book by Eric Duneau that tells how to achieve Financial Freedom by leveraging Real Estate properties, with low savings rate.

Can you Retire Early Without a Successful Blog?

A lot of early retirees are getting an income from their blogs. Can you retire early without a blog income? We try to answer that question here!

Financial Freedom – Book Review

Financial Freedom relates the story of how Grant Sabatier reached Financial Independence in 5 years. Find out what I thought of this book.

Not All Assets are Created Equal – Introducing the FI Net Worth

Most people think that all the assets in their net worth are equal. This is not the case! Find out about your FI Net Worth.