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2025 Goals and 2024 Goals Review

Baptiste Wicht | Updated: |

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At the beginning of each new year, I review all my goals and plan my goals for the new year. With my monthly updates, I keep myself accountable and publish them on this blog.

In this article, I review my 2024 goals, their progress, what went well and what did not go well. And finally, I share and detail my 2025 goals.

2024 Goals Review

To get started, here is the status of our 2024 goals at the end of the year:

Our goals at the end of the year 2024
Our goals at the end of the year 2024

It was not a great year for our goals. Our financial goals are in disarray. On the other hand, our personal goals are doing fine. I did not have any blog goals for this year. While this picture is not looking great, I did a big miscalculation on our goals. Indeed, by switching to an LLC, we keep some money inside the blog (to save taxes). As a result, our income is lower than before and the increased income from my full-time job did not compensate (at all) that decrease.

This decrease hurt both our savings rate and income goals. Our expenses goal, on the other hand, is bad mostly because we were not careful enough.

If you have a keen eye, you may have noticed that these results are slightly different from the results from December 2024. The reason is that I forgot to consider some December dividends.

So, let’s look at each of these goals in detail.

2024 Financial Goals

In 2024, we had four financial goals.

Spend 5% less — Failed

In 2024, we wanted to spend 5% less. Instead, we spent 3.5% more. We utterly failed that goal.

There are multiple places where we spent significantly more.

  • Both my wife and I spent significantly more than last year on our miscellaneous expenses. For me, this is the main issue.
  • We spent a 1000 CHF more on groceries.
  • We spent much more on transportation (mostly my wife going out with my son).
  • We spent much more on health (we were more sick, not much we can do about that)
  • Daycare increased significantly because of the second day of daycare.

Of course, some things are just pricier, like food and insurance. But overall, it comes to not paying enough attention anymore. We have started to be careless when spending money. And this is not a good sign because if we continue that route, we will end up in the lifestyle creep trap (again!). We should be careful about not reproducing that pattern in 2025.

Increase income by 5% — Failed

In 2024, we wanted to increase our income by 5%. Instead, we reduced it by 7.1%. Again, we failed that goal.

For this goal, the main reason is that I did not account properly for the switch to the LLC. Now that we have an LLC, we are withdrawing a fixed salary every month. And this salary is lower than the total income we get from the blog. So, our effective income is lower than it used to be. My salary is higher, and our dividends have increased as well, but overall, our total income decreased. This is on purpose because we will be able to reduce our taxes with that.

However, I should have taken this into consideration into our 2024 goals.

Increase savings rate by 5% — Failed

In 2024, we wanted to increase our savings rate by 5%. Instead, we reduced it by 4.1%. So, we failed that goal.

This is directly related to the two previous goals. We spent much more than I expected, and we earned less than before. When you put these two together, it is not surprising that our savings rate is falling down. We need to make progress here.

I am not pleased about our savings rate in 2024.

Optimize 3 bills – Success

In 2024, I wanted to optimize 3 bills. By bills, I mean recurring bills, either yearly or monthly.

I managed to optimize 3 bills this year:

  • We reduced our taxes by doing a second pillar contribution.
  • We got rid of some complementary insurance.
  • We reduced the heating bills by 45 CHF per month.

In the long term, this will save us a significant amount of money because these savings will come each year. We also managed a few cost savings on the blog side, but this is not counted here.

Now that our recurring expenses are well optimized, it will be difficult to keep doing that goal. But I will keep doing it for at least one year to try to push me to reconsider our expenses.

2024 Personal Goals

In 2024, we had three personal goals.

Work out 20% better – Success

In 2024, I wanted to work out 20% better. I managed to work out 148% better. So, this goal is entirely passed!

In the previous year, I did a small calisthenic workout. I started well with that, but then I quickly reduced how many stages I did of it. And I was not pleased about the result (linked to how little I was doing of it).

So, in 2024, I switched back to strength training. I created a small training plan with the help I could find on YouTube. This is very similar to what I was doing at the gym when I was still doing. The difference is that I am limited to a bench and free weights (barbell and dumbbells).

My current program is not perfect, but it is much better than what I used to do before. And so far, I have been able to stick to it easily. Also, I can feel progress, which is essential. I definitely intend to continue this in 2025.

So, I am delighted about my progress there.

Walk 5% more per day – Success

In 2024, I wanted to walk 5% more per day. I managed to walk 100% more. I was able to pass this goal entirely.

If you wonder how I could walk twice more, the answer is a treadmill. When I started having back pain, I decided to get a treadmill to walk at my desk. And it turned out to be a great habit for me. I am thrilled about my waking desk. I still cannot walk all day (far from it), but I easily do multiple hours per day when I am at home. Next year, I plan to continue walking more.

Again, I am very pleased with this goal.

Reduce energy consumption by 10% – Failed

In 2024, we wanted to reduce our energy consumption by 10%. We reduced our energy consumption by 4%. So, we failed that goal.

Even though we failed that goal, it is great that we managed to reduce our energy consumption, even by only 4%. I was expecting more since we replaced our boiler. But other things may have played a role. The problem with energy consumption is that it is difficult to know exactly where energy is spent. I know (from counters) that my computers and accessories are consuming close to half of our total power consumption. I will optimize this again in 2025. The rest is probably mostly used by electric appliances.

Overall, I am pleased that we were able to reduce our energy consumption.

2025 Goals

In 2025, I want to be more careful with my goals. As discussed, some of our financial goals were not really realistic due to the change of income. Such an even will not happen in 2025, so it should be easier to plan for the year.

One good thing is that our 2024 goals (the goals themselves, not the results) were better than in 2023, by focusing on the gain rather than the gap. I will continue with this logic. I also like focusing on monthly results. So I will consider the monthly average for almost everything (steps are better expressed per day, for instance). This also makes it easy to track the progress.

So, here are our goals at the beginning of the year:

Our 2025 Goals
Our 2025 Goals

I have mostly kept the same financial goals. And I have improved my personal goals. I could not think of a blog goal for this year. And I was unable to think of another interesting financial goal either.

Of course, at this point, the status, result, and progress columns do not mean much since we have not yet finished one month. But this will start to make sense in the first monthly update of the year.

I will now go over each of our goals independently.

2025 Financial Goals

In 2025, we will have four very similar financial goals.

Spend 5% less

In 2025, we want to reduce our expenses. This is the same goal we already had for 2024, but I consider this goal essential. We cannot afford to continue the pattern we started in 2024.

Again, we would like to reduce our before-tax expenses by 5%. Since we have increased our baseline, we should aim for more than 5%, but I do not think we can do more. It will be challenging to even do 5%.

Increase income by 2.5%

In 2025, we want to increase our income. It is a critical goal (although not as critical as spending less). We failed this in 2024 because of the way we accounted for the blog income. We will have no excuses in 2025.

In 2025, we aim to increase our income by 2.5%. This may sound little, but over time, this can make a significant difference.

Increase savings rate by 2.5%

In 2025, we want to increase our savings rate. This will be achieved by a combination of our income and expenses. If we keep our expenses under control, we should be able to reach that goal.

In 2025, we would like to increase our savings rate by 2.5%. I aim to be cautious with that goal since our average savings rate is already high and even slight increases are good value.

Optimize 3 recurring bills

I am keeping the same optimization goal from 2023 as a goal for 2024. In 2024, I struggled to find three expenses to optimize, but it is an interesting goal.

So, in 2025, we want to optimize three of our recurring bills. I do not know how we will achieve that yet.

2025 Personal Goals

In 2025, we will have five personal goals, more than last year.

Workout strength 10% better

In 2024, I have taken my strength workouts to the next level. I would like to reach the next level again in 2025. For this, I intend to improve my consistency at doing the workouts. And I also hope to improve my secondary workout to do more for my lower body.

Overall, I would like to improve my strength workouts by 10% in 2025.

Workout cardio 50% better

Now that my strength workouts are doing well, I need to up my game in cardio workouts. I do not enjoy cardio, so it is difficult for me to focus on these workouts. But it is nevertheless very essential.

In early 2024, I bought an indoor bike and started doing some trainings. But then, my back pain started, and I could not do any training without pain. Finally, in November 2024, I bought a recumbent bike instead and started doing some trainings. I want to continue doing these trainings regularly in 2025.

I plan to do few workouts, but consistently. My plan is for one intensive but short training (VO2 Max training) per week and one to two longer but less intensive (zone 2 training) per week.

So, in 2025, I aim to do 50% better at my cardio workouts.

Walk 5% more per day

Using my treadmill worked really well for increasing my step count. In 2025, I want to continue on that course and increase my steps even more. I hope to increase both my actual steps (outside) and my treadmill steps.

Since I am also doing more cardio, this goal will be more difficult. I need to make sure to find a good routine and balance between everything I do.

So, in 2025, I want to walk 5% more per day on average.

Use 5% less water

We are not particularly heavy water users. But I thought it would be nice to try to reduce our water consumption. I do not know exactly what we will do about that. I expect that most of our water consumption is coming from showers. So, we will likely focus on that first.

Therefore, in 2025, we want to use 5% less water. 5% is probably not a lot, but we are already careful about water, so, I do not think we can achieve much more.

Use 5% less power

In 2024, we tried to reduce the power we were using. In 2025, I would like to continue on that route. I do not really know what we can do about it at this point. We will need to be creative to reach that goal.

In 2025, we want to use 5% less power.


Overall, in 2024, we passed 3 of our 7 goals. I am a bit torn with these results. On one hand, we did not do well for our financial goals, but it was mostly due to how we account for the blog income. And on the other hand, I did really well on my personal goals. So, I am relatively happy with our how goals turned out.

Our 2025 goals are really similar. Our financial goals are now more reasonable. And my personal goals are more ambitious and more spread around multiple areas.

At first, I wanted to have a blogging goal for 2025. But ultimately, I did not find a great goal. I plan to try to reduce the blog expenses a little by cutting on some recurring bills. I do not yet know whether we will do videos in 2025 for the blog. I also have some more ideas for calculators and comparators, but I do not yet know when this will materialize. If you have ideas for blogging goals, please let me know in the comments below.

If I had more time, I would start again my Chinese learning courses. And I would also like to start again my side coding projects. I am starting to realize that I am becoming a worse developer over time simply because I code much less than I used to (sad, being a software engineer by trade). But I do not see any way to fit these into my priorities, so these will have to wait (until early retirement?).

If you are interested, you can also check out our 2023 goals review.

What about you? What do you think of our goals? Do you have any goals for 2025?

Recommended reading

Photo of Baptiste Wicht
Baptiste Wicht started The Poor Swiss in 2017. He realized that he was falling into the trap of lifestyle inflation. He decided to cut his expenses and increase his income. Since 2019, he has been saving more than 50% of his income every year. He made it a goal to reach Financial Independence and help Swiss people with their finances.
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4 thoughts on “2025 Goals and 2024 Goals Review”

  1. Love your blog but as with a lot of FIRE Gurus, it is an opaque one. For example, is your spending including taxes and social security? Is the savings rate net or gross? Do you include Pillar 2 contributions in this savings rate? What does increase income by 2.5% mean? Net income or gross income?

    1. Hi Fire

      I really find it weird that you say that my blog is opaque. Every month, I share a ton of data and I share my real name. I try to be very transparent about everything.
      I cannot repeat the same things on every article. Everything is net, what touches my bank accounts. And pillar 2 contributions from both me and my employer are excluded.

  2. I am a big fan of your blogs, and whenever I decide to optimize my spending, your blogs are the first source of info I typically go to to learn about the topic and pros/cons to consider.

    I love how brutally honest you are about your goals and achievements, and of course, putting them on paper makes them more real, tangible.

    I hope you are still able to enjoy life to the fullest along the way and don’t postpone this goal until retirement. I find it’s a fine line.

    1. Hi Helen

      I am very happy if you are able to find some ways to optimize your finances with my blog, it’s the goal!

      You are absolutely right that I need to be careful about not postponing “happiness”. Achieving goals is great towards long-term, but the short-term goals must be achieved as well.

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