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How we use our LLC to save money in 2025

Baptiste Wicht | Updated: |

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In 2023, we created an LLC for the blog. The goal was to separate the assets of the blog from our own, and to separate liabilities as well. But a side effect of this change is that we can also optimize a little our finances by using our LLC.

In this article, I want to go over how we legally use our LLC to save money. Some of these tips are how to make better use of an LLC, but some are simply things that are better with an LLC than with a sole proprietorship.

Switching to an LLC

In 2023, we switched to a Limited Liability Company (LLC) for the blog. Before, we were operating as a sole proprietorship. We had two main reasons for switching:

  1. We wanted to separate our assets from the blog assets and have a clear separation of liability.
  2. We wanted to keep some money into the company, to save on taxes.

The reason number one was much more important for us than the second reason. Indeed, optimization was not the priority, but it was a good benefit.

I will not go into the details of LLC in this article. If you are interested, I have an article about creating an LLC.

In this article, I want to go over how people with an LLC can use it to optimize their finances. The goal is not that everybody creates an LLC. The goal of this article is to be transparent about how we use our LLC. Hopefully, with that, you will have a better idea of how people with a company have an advantage.

Finally, I want to insist that you do not abuse any of these tips. Some people use their companies in illegal ways to save money. It is not my intention to suggest any of you do that! On the contrary, I would strongly recommend you refrain from any abuse.

Keeping some money in the company

The first thing we do differently with an LLC is to keep some income into the company. This is very different from what we were doing with the sole proprietorship.

What is the difference? This makes a huge difference in our taxable income. Before, all the income from the blog was added to our personal income. Now, my wife gets a fixed salary from the blog. This salary is added to our taxable income. But the rest of the profits stay within the company. The difference is that the profits from a company are taxed much lower than the income of a person. As a result, we save on taxes.

Currently, we extract about a third of the income of the blog, and we want to reduce it in the future.

One question you may ask is what we are going to do with the money left in the blog. This is an excellent question because we cannot use this money for personal expenses. Since my plan is to retire early, we can later raise the salary from the blog once I have no salary from regular employment. So, we are basically delaying income to a future when we will have lower tax rates.

And another good question is: What are we doing with the cash? We are planning to invest that cash, following our usual portfolio. We have waited (procrastinated) too long, but after a year, we will soon start to invest. With that, we are not keeping too much cash and we will reduce our opportunity cost. In the future, this could also allow us to take a margin loan, if necessary.

Deducting some expenses from taxes

In our personal situation, there are not many things we can deduct from our personal taxes. However, in a business, all expenses can be deducted from the taxable income since we are taxed on our profits. Therefore, it makes sense to pay some things from the company expenses instead of paying them from our personal expenses.

Of course, and I want to emphasize this, this should only be done for expenses that are related to the business. If you start to expense everything to your business, you will be in trouble.

In our case, since the business is entirely done on a computer, we are expensing computer and laptop expenses. We are also expensing some office expenses like paper for the printer or pens (yes, we still use pens!). And our internet bill is now paid by the company as well. I also expense the coffee beans we use.

On the other hand, we do not pass all our meals as business expenses because that would be unrelated. But if I do a lunch with someone related to the blog, I will expense it. And we do a business meal once a year with my wife (we are the only two working on the blog). Other than these, I would rather not use the company for any other expenses.

Buying a car with the company

The last thing we are doing with the company is that we bought our car with the company instead of buying it ourselves. This is similar to the previous section, but also slightly different.

The main point is that car-related expenses are deductible from the company taxable income. And this is also valid for leasing. This is different from personal taxes where leasing cannot be deducted while car loan payments can be deducted. So, we can deduct the leasing, as well as the insurance, the fuel and all the maintenance.

There is one important difference with this expense. Since the company has a car and its employees can use them, this gives the employee an advantage. So, the income of these employees must be increased. This is not a real salary, but this will add up to the taxable income of the employees. And social deductions must be paid on this part of the salary. Therefore, the salary the company is paying to my wife has increased since we bought the car with the company. And there are laws on how much should be added to the salary for that.

Some people may argue that as an internet business, we do not need a car. It is not entirely true because I often meet people in other cities. Recently, I went to Bern and Zurich in the company’s car. And I frequently go to Fribourg for that as well.


I hesitated writing this article because it can cause some controversies about how people use LLCs (and other companies) to optimize their finances. But I felt I owed it to my readers to be more transparent.

Overall, we can move several of our expenses to the blog. As such, these expenses are deducted from the taxes of our LLC. Compared to what we were doing before, we are also keeping some cash in the company, so our salary is lower than the profits of the company. The goal is to delay that income to a point where our taxes are lower.

As such, we have an advantage over people without a company, since most people cannot deduct these expenses. And it also means our expenses (shared in our monthly updates) are lower than what they are. For instance, we used to pay internet ourselves, now we have a business internet plan, paid by the blog.

What do you think about this? If you have a company, how are you using it?

Recommended reading

Photo of Baptiste Wicht
Baptiste Wicht started The Poor Swiss in 2017. He realized that he was falling into the trap of lifestyle inflation. He decided to cut his expenses and increase his income. Since 2019, he has been saving more than 50% of his income every year. He made it a goal to reach Financial Independence and help Swiss people with their finances.
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36 thoughts on “How we use our LLC to save money in 2025”

  1. Since this year we also start to deduct private internet and part of our electricity bill through the LLC. For the electricity bill, however, you need to have some proof, which could be an energy consumption meter in front of business-related items like PC, Router, Switch, Synology, Server…).

    1. Hi Mike

      Thanks for sharing, this is a good point. A lot of our power consumption comes from my computers/servers. But I also use the same room for remote work. It would be difficult to really split it, so I’d rather not do it. But the day I quit my full-time work, this would make more sense.

  2. Hello Baptiste,

    Great reading about the LLC. Your experiences are really interesting to me as I am looking for creating LLC with the same purpose as describe.

    Just wondering, would you share the fixed costs linked to your LLC such as: social insurance if any, Serafe if applicable, the CPA cost to certify your business finance are clean if applicable.

    Your contents are great quality, I enjoy reading them. Keep up the good work.

    1. Hi Jean Reymond,

      There are not many fixed costs. Serafe should not apply because I don’t have a building for the company and I don’t use a CPA. Social insurance itself depends on the salary you are paying out.

      Thanks for your kind words, I am glad my content is good :)

  3. Thanks for the article!

    You mentioned investing the money held in the LLC. Does that require having trading as an activity for the company or you can do that freely without notifying anybody about it?


    1. Hi Gerardo

      I don’t think you will have to declare the activity. But you will have to declare the income and capital gains from this “activity” in your tax declaration.

  4. So if you have an LLC you have to pay taxes on profit now and income tax in the future when you start paying yourself significant salary. In this case you are paying double taxes. Is this really much better than declaring the blog money as income now?
    I also wanted to ask if the LLC needs to own the blog (or apartment if you are renting one) to declare the revenue on the company.

    1. Hi Hur,

      What matter most is the different in taxes between the company tax and the personal tax. For me, the company pays 3 times less taxes, so it makes sense to shift some income to the company. In the future, when we will extract more income from the company, this means we will also deduct more from the company taxable income and hence pay less taxes on the company. And the goal is that once we do that, our personal income taxes would be lower.

      If you have an apartment, then yes, the company should own it to rent it out. For a blog, there is no real ownership of the blog I think.

  5. Cool Blog!
    With the company you actually split the income tax and hence you break the “progressive taxation” (a neighbour who is renting a couple of apartments was mentioning as main benefit).
    2 Questions:
    1) would it make sense to make a LLC without the blog relate activities? (just for the apartments) – why isn’t everybody owning an apartment using a LLC ?
    2) how much are the additional cost of runnin a LLC ? It needs proper accounting, has to pay VAT, AHV/IV, ALV, needs a revisor, etc.


    1. Thanks, Adrian!

      1) If you live inside your apartment, there is no advantage. However, if you have an apartment to rent out, it makes a lot of sense.
      2) Accounting is really cheap. But you need to pay all social contributions on the income going out of the company. And VAT you need to pay if you reach 100’000 CHF.

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